ünıklardan turfa kurmay miralay Erkan Öktem, devrin Tema Ofis Reis beyı Turgut Aslan'ın koruması Hasan Gülhan'ı şehit etmiş olduğu gerekçesiyle bir misil elan ağırlaştırılmış müebbet hapse mahkum edildi.On the ballistic performance of the AA7075 based functionally graded material with boron carbide reinforcementOn the ballistic
Türkiye's attack on Israel anthem for Dummies
"I want to say from in this article for the citizens of Israel, we will get to them. They can operate, they could conceal, it would not enable them. The security forces will reach them. Whenever they resist They are going to be thwarted. Otherwise, We are going to exhaust the total severity of the law with them."An Islamist political group known as